Install luci-app-ssr-plus in gl-inet e750
This post shows you how to install luci-app-ssr-plus in you GL-iNET mobile router.
- Device: usb150/ar150/ar300m/mifi/ar750/ar750s/x750/x300b/xe300/e750/x1200
- Openwrt: openwrt-19.07.7
Before you start
It’s very hard to compile the package luci-app-ssr-plus alone using sdk, and I am providing a precompiled package here.
- (Optional) Restore your device to the factory setting.
So you could have a clean start, otherwise, you may encounter unexpected error. Highly recommended but not necessary.
- Download all the packages and upload to the router using ssh.
# Upload local package
scp ~/Downloads/ root@
# Login to the ssh session
ssh root@
# Unzip the package
- Install luci and login to the luci dashboard
Luci could be installed in the settings -> advanced.
- Install dependent luci packages
Manual install package luci-compat
- Install downloaded packages in the ssh session
opkg install \
shadowsocks-libev-config_3.2.5-5_mips_24kc.ipk \
shadowsocksr-libev-alt_2.5.6-5_mips_24kc.ipk \
pdnsd-alt_1.2.9b-par-a8e46ccba7b0fa2230d6c42ab6dcd92926f6c21d_mips_24kc.ipk \
microsocks_1.0-1_mips_24kc.ipk \
dns2socks_2.1-1_mips_24kc.ipk \
shadowsocks-libev-ss-local_3.2.5-5_mips_24kc.ipk \
shadowsocksr-libev-ssr-local_2.5.6-5_mips_24kc.ipk \
shadowsocks-libev-ss-redir_3.2.5-5_mips_24kc.ipk \
simple-obfs_0.0.5-5_mips_24kc.ipk \
tcping_0.3-1_mips_24kc.ipk \
- Refresh the luci window and now you should see the sweet luci ssr plus!
If you have any problem with the above steps, leave an issue in the github!